Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad Series
The Rich Dad Classics Boxed Set contains three mass market titles from the Rich Dad Poor Dad series in one boxed set. The boxed set includes: Rich Dad Poor Dad - the best-selling personal finance guide for the millions hoping to become masters of their money. The Cash Flow Quadrant - the follow-up to Rich Dad Poor Dad reveals why some people work less and earn more, pay less taxes, and feel more financially secure than others. Rich Dad's Guide to Investing - the basic rules of investing, including how to reduce investment risk and how to convert earned income into passive and portfolio income.
Happy Money by Ken Honda
Look around you - what do you see? You may discover to your surprise that the people who are most at peace with money are the ones who walk nimbly between having too little and having too much. They have found a balance between indulgence and austerity; between success and happiness; between motivation and inspiration; and between any number of other poles we tend to think of as either/or choices, but which in reality are simply posts on either side of a doorway through which we must pass. For many of us the subject of money is unavoidably stressful. Managing our personal finances is complicated, time consuming and often, particularly in the slow countdown to pay day, dispiriting. The good news is that in Japan - where a Zen approach to life is more widely practiced - a pathway to a better relationship with money is being carved, by Ken Honda. This beautifully written book will reinvent the way you see your personal finances. You will come to understand that money flows like water and arrives like a guest. You'll rethink your own attitudes and examine the way they were shaped by beliefs about money you were taught as a child. When we heal the fear and anxiety we have about money, we successfully achieve prosperity and peace. Take the zen path to financial security and happiness.
Killing Sacred Cows by Garrett Gunderson
Does the sound of scrimping and sacrificing sound like a terrible way to live your life (just for a shot a decent life in the distant future)? There is a better way. You can enjoy life along the way while preparing for the future. Begin by discovering the truth about money and finance detailed in Killing Sacred Cows. Tackling nine specific financial myths, Killing Sacred Cows plainly reveals these shocking truths kept hidden by the traditional financial industry: A 401(k) is not the "safe" and "smart" plan that you have been told it is; in fact, it's an extremely risky investment for most people. Learn to create safer investments that are collateralized, cash-flowing, controllable, and aligned with your expertise, passion, and purpose. Conventional retirement planning strategies, techniques, and products are probably keeping you from the retirement you really want. You can maximize the productivity of your resources, reduce risk, and retire well with the right education and a proper plan. Net worth is a poor indicator of wealth and your ability to retire well. What matters is cash flow, and this book will teach you how to develop it. Debt may not be what you think it is. Learn the proper definition of debt and how this understanding can immediately increase your prosperity. "High risk equals high returns" is dangerous dogma. Learn how to increase your returns and reduce your risk through smart, value-based investing. How to identify the hidden factors that are causing you financial pain and misery. Finally, you can treat more than just symptoms and address root causes. By the time you're done reading this book, you'll know more about personal finance than most financial advisors--and this is no joke! You'll discover how to take control of your finances now. After reading Killing Sacred Cows, you'll scoff at generic recommendations from financial advisors who push the same products on every client regardless of their unique personal goals and financial blueprint.
Would you rather earn interest than pay it, and eliminate the necessity of paying fees to banks and jumping through hoops to get loans? Are you frustrated with being over-taxed and/or being dependent on a volatile stock market? Do you suspect that the ultra-wealthy play by a different set of rules than you do, and that their secrets have been kept just out of your reach? What would it mean to you and your family if you knew these rules to play by them too?
Becoming Your Own Banker – The Infinite Banking Concept describes the power of dividend-paying whole life insurance. It is education that the life insurance industry should have taught during the last 200 years. Unfortunately, the industry has concentrated on the death benefit qualities of the contract and has neglected to adequately describe the financing capabilities that it presents for the policy owners. This book demonstrates that your need for finance, during your lifetime, is much greater than your need for protection. Solve for this need through this instrument and you will end up with more life insurance than the companies will issue on you.

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